Over the years I have had several brothers ask why they should attend the annual session of Grand Lodge. Many times I have gone with the answer that it is their duty or some similar reason. I may talk about the different sessions and information that is presented. I may even discuss the friendships that are formed. Yet there is one reason that I over looked, One Voice. The One Voice that can change the world.
This past weekend I saw first hand how one voice from the floor can let an entire Grand Lodge start a new direction. I have heard of this happening in other jurisdiction. The Grand Lodge of Connecticut 20 years ago voted to recognize the Prince Hall Grand Lodge because of a motion from the floor, one voice had the strength to stand up for what he believed to be right. On Saturday from the floor came a motion that may have far reaching impact at least for on jurisdiction. Below is the motion that was overwhelmingly approve by the body because a few brothers had the strength of conviction to stand up for what they felt was right.
"Whereas the Grand Lodge of West Virginia has arbitrarily and recklessly ignored the will of their brethren, expelling a Past Grand Master without trial or redress, violating the ancient and accepted customs and tenets of our Fraternity and bring shame and disrepute on all Masons and Freemasonry, and
Whereas they have been named in a civil suit further bringing the Craft into public disrepute and scorn,
Therefore be it resolved that the Grand Lodge of Minnesota expresses its concern over these actions and will consider suspending recognition of the Grand Lodge of West Virginia upon the recommendation of our External Relations Committee at our next Annual Communication in 2010 if there is not correction of these actions and a renewed willingness by the Grand Lodge of West Virginia to enter into the modern fraternity of Freemasonry."
The next time I am asked why a brother should attend Grand Lodge, I now have a better answer: "Because one voice can change the world."
I'm a Traveling Freemason
3 days ago
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