How long have you been a Mason? Has it been five or fifty years since you first knelt at the altar and took your obligation? In the years since, have there been brothers who took you under their wing and helped you become a better man and Mason? As our Lodges start to see a re-birth, who and where are the men taking our newest Masons under their wing? Our newest members don't receive Masonic knowledge simply by being brought to further light.
In the 90's we were told it takes a village to raise a child. This is something that our brethren have always known, for we are taught to labor to instruct and inform. Some Lodges naturally do this, it is part of their culture. Yet, in too many Lodges this tradition has been lost. Every Mason, regardless of age, deserves a Brother or group of Brothers that he can turn to during his lifelong journey for more light.
In my travels I have met a lot of Brothers and been in more Lodges than I can count. I can always tell the Lodges that have a culture of mentoring, whether it is formal or not. They are the Lodges that have full sidelines, great turnout for events, and where the Brothers truly care for each other. Thanks to all the men who have taken the time and made the effort to take a Brother under their wing. You truly are what keeps the Light of Masonry shining as the next generation starts to labor in the quarries.
Who has helped you on your journey, who have you helped? It is how we help our Brothers that the greatest impression of Masonry is presented.
I'm a Traveling Freemason
3 days ago